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Young Dark Emu: A Truer History

Bruce Pascoe


'Young Dark Emu: A Truer History' is the young reader version of the award-winning, groundbreaking book 'Dark Emu'. Bruce Pascoe compellingly argues for a reconsideration of the "hunter-gatherer" label for pre-colonial Aboriginal Australians. 

He does this by allowing the reader to see Australia as it was before Europeans arrived – a land of cultivated farming areas, productive fisheries, permanent homes, and an understanding of the environment and its natural resources that supported thriving villages across the continent.

Using the written documents of early European explorers and colonists as his evidence, Pascoe provides irrefutable proof of complex First Nations societies which existed prior to colonisation. 'Young Dark Emu: A Truer History' asks young readers to consider a different version of Australia's history pre-European colonisation.

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